Our Solutions

Digital, smart and sustainable! These are our guiding principles.

TeamBroadcaster:  Digital Corporate TV

TeamBroadcaster provides modern and target group oriented information logistics for every company. The tool supports you in decentralized content creation for the internal and external communication of your company. Location-specific breaking news, employee surveys and polls as well as many other functions via large screens, PC and mobile create diverse possibilities for employee retention: communication as a tool for motivation - especially in times of transformation.

TeamOne: Enterprise Task Management

TeamOne creates the opportunity for you and your team to collaborate digitally online across the enterprise with integrated and audit-compliant PDCA procedures. With TeamOne, you can efficiently plan and manage transparent and smart workflows. TeamOne stands for quality-oriented and flexible teamwork with sustainable documentation and is certified as best practice in audits.

TeamDocument: Enterprise Document Management

TeamDocument provides you and your team a digital and smart document filing system. The intelligent linking of TeamOne and TeamDocument creates an optimal basis for smooth and redundancy-free collaboration, in which team-specific tasks and documents develop with each other. The goal is to always work with the most up-to-date document and to sustainably preserve corporate knowledge!

TeamProduction: Plant Documentation

Digital Manufacturing - TeamProduction achieves a modern and digital plant documentation: instructions, frequent problems and further information such as on maintenance and inspections can be called up plant-specifically via tablets by QR code. With TeamProduction, it is possible to generate a digital plant management system and to store the production documentation in a plant-specific way. The goal is to create fast access to information for employees through mobile solutions.